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2023/2024 A Blair McPherson School Lunch Program Information

Lunch fees cover the cost of lunch supervisors hired by the school to assist with lunch hour supervision.  There is a price difference between our elementary and junior high lunch fees as we have hired additional lunch supervisors to assist our younger students.

For the 2023/2024 school year lunch fees for the full year.  If a student remains at the school during the lunch hour the lunch fee is required.  

We will also be offering the opportunity for students to stay at the school on an occasional drop-in basis and those students will be charged $2.00 per lunch hour.  Students will not be required to pay the drop-in fee if they are participating in a school lunch activity eg. choir, intramurals or a club event. 

We ask all families to fill out the Lunch-time Supervision Services Registration Form at the beginning of each school year. The form is located on SchoolZone. 

Students who go home during the lunch hour should not return to the school prior to 12:20 PM. 

General Lunch Program Information

The lunch hour at A. Blair McPherson School will be divided into two time periods:

11:43 – 12:03 –  Elementary students eating their lunches in their classrooms  

                          Junior High students have the options to go outside, main gym, library or common area

12:03 – 12:23 –  Elementary students go outside for recess

                          Junior High students eat their lunches in the common area or in classrooms.        

Microwave Ovens

Students can be burned or even start a small fire due to overheating food.  For safety reasons, microwave ovens will not be available for student use during the lunch hour.  If parents would like to send a warm lunch for their child, students are welcome to bring their warm lunch in a Thermos.

Lunch Utensils

Please ensure students have the necessary utensils for eating their lunch included in their lunch bag.   

Elementary “Nut Free” zone

Several elementary students at A. Blair McPherson School have severe nut allergies.  Homeroom teachers will inform parents if a child has a severe nut allergy in their homeroom class where lunches are eaten.  In order to ensure these students eat in a safe environment, parents of students in the specific homerooms are to refrain from sending nut products in student lunches.

Appropriate attire for weather conditions

Students will be asked to enjoy the outdoors and get some fresh air during the lunch hour.  It is imperative that children arrive with the appropriate outerwear for the weather conditions.  Appropriate outerwear would include:  warm jacket, snow pants, gloves/mittens, hat/toque and warm footwear for those frosty winter days.  When the outside temperature drops below – 22 degrees students will have alternate lunch hour activities within the building.